Our ideas connect people and opportunities so your campaigns can shine with show stopping results.

Muse Media Services


Muse Media Services ⚪️


Connecting people and ideas to produce show stopping results.

Muse Media Services is a creative consultancy and public relations firm that focuses on problem solving at the intersection of activism, culture, and arts sustainability practices.


My first name is Mary Claire but professionally I go by "MC" - think of it as "Making Connections”.

I’m a social impact entrepreneur and life-long learner with a passion for people. I have incredible intuition…whether it’s introducing connections and fostering partnerships, forecasting trends, or having a gut feeling for a campaign at the right place at the right time.

I choose to lead with kindness and inspire others to live their best life with purpose and service in helping others.

MC’s Musings

Twice a month my "voice" will be in your inbox with my latest musings. The newsletter will include a curation of insights & trends, resources, client news, and special announcements.

I'm passionate about creating change in the classical music world, arts sustainability, and sharing resources and knowledge.